Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Morning Sickness

I just read another article by Julia Wilson. She is the author of Blissful Birth and is a fresh voice in the natural parenting community in Australia. I am drawn to her work.
In this particular article she talks about Morning sickness and several things you can do to treat or prevent having severe sickness. Very cool stuff for anyone who has dealt with it.
Here are some highlights:
"Nutritional needs increase in pregnancy, not in terms of calories but rather vitamins, protein and essential nutrients. Water volume and blood volume in the body increase substantially in early pregnancy, necessitating increased fluids and nutrition"...

..."Nausea is greatly exacerbated when the blood sugar level drops. To avoid this, it is essential to eat throughout the day. The nausea cycle can get out of control when you say, 'I feel so sick, even the thought of food makes me feel worse. There’s no way I can eat.' I hear you, believe me, I’ve been there but you don’t want to go down that road. If you don’t eat when the first signs of nausea arise, you’ll feel worse as time goes on. A few sips of juice or a small something to eat, even a bite of an apple will help the nausea to subside. Be sure, though that the foods you choose aren’t oily. Nibble something light and don’t overeat. Just start with a few bites and a mouthful of non-acidic juice. Sit down while you eat and chew slowly. Picture the food nourishing you and your baby."

Thinking about it in this way when I'm pregnant really seems to help. I hope it's helpful to you as well. More of Julia Wilson to come...

Julia Wilson is the author of Blissful Birth - The Handbook. A mother of five, she is an international advocate for natural childbirth and has been supporting families in pregnancy, birth and the post-natal period for well over a decade. Julia is passionate about natural childbirth and works from a holistic perspective. She also writes on topics regarding pregnancy and birth for magazines and websites such as Conscious Living, Natural Parenting, Natural Family and Kindred (previously Byron Child.) Julia was Australian country contact for America's Midwifery Today International Programme and former treasurer of the mid-North Coast Homebirth Group. She has been instrumental in popularizing the role of the doula in Australia through her work in the media and by offering doula training and support. Julia runs workshops, classes and seminars, based on the philosophy outlined in her book whilst also offering private holistic pre-natal, birth and post-natal support, both in hospital and at home.


  1. Julia is such an a amazing person. She is suporting me in my pregnancy and birth and she has so much wonderful advice to offer.
    I completely agree with and understand what she says about morning sickness :)

  2. That's good advice about morning sickness. I was really sick with Paige my first trimester and I dread that the next time around. I'll have to keep these things in mind and I really hopes it makes a difference. Great post! :)

  3. I for one have a really hard time with nausea/vomiting during pregnancy. I feel like I am constantly eating to try and keep it at bay, but it never seems to help. Maybe if I follow her advice, just to eat a little (and not oily food) it will help the next time around. (apples actually DID help. Apples and lemonade)

  4. Julias books are absolutely amazing! I'd highly recommend them to professionals and pregnant women everywhere. Julia has supported me birth a beautiful boy at home in water last year which was a fantastic experience. I'm also just pregnant now and suffering with some morning sickness already. ARGHH! but i will definitely be taking her advice - it makes sense! Amazing woman!

  5. I'm not a mother, nor am I about to be... but I too can vouch to the fact that Julia is a great chick who know's what's she's talking about... including life in general. I really appreciate her opinions and insights.
    She is spiritual, insightful and joyful... what more could you want in a friend? I can only hope I will be able to put her wisdom into practice one day...

  6. Julia Wilson's Book Blissful Birth - The Handbook and this article are a must read for every women..
    How refreshing it is for a women to stand in her truth with such passion and share her experience and wisdom with the world....... To guide and benefit women in there search for balance and truth….. A MUST READ
